Showing up. That simple act can mean so much to a person who is hurting.
A person like Robert, who today dedicates his life to helping people recover from drug addiction at a transitional housing program that Waste NOT serves. But just a few years ago, it was Robert who needed help. He spent years battling addiction and knew that if he didn’t get help soon – he wouldn’t be around much longer.
Robert made the brave decision to change his life. He put his few belongings in a grocery cart and pushed them to the program’s halfway house in south Phoenix. There, Robert got the care he needed, including a roof over his head and nutritious food to eat during recovery.
Food provided by generous donors like you.
Robert says it was such a relief to have these basic needs taken care of, so that he could focus on getting healthy. It wasn’t easy. But little by little, he fought to get his life back.
Today, Robert is Operations Director for the halfway house and its 9 locations. He helps others across the Valley overcome addiction and start new lives. He recently gave me a tour of one of his program’s on-site kitchens. I saw a walk-in cooler and freezer, as well as a large pantry filled with a week’s supply of food. “If it weren’t for Waste NOT we would be in real trouble,” says Robert. “When others may not come through, you guys always show up and save the day.”
Showing up counts. Because of you, Waste NOT is able to feed 75,000 people each year.

You help rescue 3.5 million pounds of food from restaurants, caterers and grocery stores – quality food that otherwise would be thrown away – and deliver it the same day to the more than 90 partner agencies that depend on us. You help move us closer to the day when wasted food is a thing of the past, and no request for food goes unanswered.
It doesn’t take a lot to feed individuals and families – while keeping millions of dollars of food each day from going to waste. Will you help today?
In Arizona, it’s easy to help the nearly 1 in 6 people, including 1 in 4 kids, in our state who struggle with hunger. That’s because Arizona offers a dollar-for-dollar state tax credit for donations to Waste NOT. That means you can give up to $800 for couples and $400 for singles and get every single penny of it back on your Arizona state taxes. And you don’t even have to itemize to take advantage of this credit*. Just remember to note your donation when you file your Arizona state taxes. And as always, your gift is also tax-deductible on your federal filing.
Can I count on you today to show up with a gift to help more people like Robert?

*This isn’t meant to be tax advice, so please contact your tax adviser for full details about how this impacts you.